More College Bang for Your Buck
The Best Value College In Each State YOUniversityTV Devised An Algorithm Which Computed The Most Relevant Data To Determine The Best Value College. As recently as a decade ago, there wasn’t really a question as to whether attending college was a sound investment or not. College graduates were twice as likely to be employed than…
How Colleges Judge Your High School Course Load

Credit: Chris Teare, Forbes (view original source) A young man visiting Drew University wanted to know what courses he should take his Junior year of high school. In fact, he was so curious that I received an email delineating his likely selections just a few hours later. His questions and follow-up show admirable curiosity, and…
No Loans: How to Graduate From College Debt Free

Originally posted on Deseret News National. view source Rachel Cruze, the daughter of financial guru Dave Ramsey, really wanted to go to Auburn University, which to outsiders wouldn’t seem like much of a problem. Ramsey’s financial success meant the family could pay for any college she wanted. “But we live out what we preach,” says…
NYTimes: Advice for Parents Touring Colleges – Don’t Talk

Originally posted on Ask my son, who is a junior in high school, if he remembers the Great College Schlep of 2011 with his big sister and he will still fume that it was no kind of summer vacation. Maybe not, but on that virgin tour through 1,200 miles of Anywhere, U.S.A., my husband…
7 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Summer
(original article posted on, view here) Summer isn’t all about work, but make sure you’re taking advantage of this free time. If you don’t already have summer plans, here are some ideas: SAT/ACT prep. This probably isn’t the first thing on your list, and it might not even be on your list at all.…